Well, they
be words!
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Here's a bunch of "words" used commonly by those who don't know that they aren't words.
Phraseology, the science of phrases.
Alot, a lot.
Rightness, the degree of how right one is.
Randomality, the state of randomness.
Bazillion (or gazillion), a number so big that it is bigger than a zillion (also not a real word/number)
Humungus, collosal.
Embiggens, improves (from the Simpsons)
Cromulant, valid (also from the Simpsons - a teacher said that "embiggens" is a perfectly cromulant word).
Gooder, better.
Bestest, not good, not better/gooder, not best. Not bester, but bestest. The highest degree of goodness.
Fluidic, like a fluid.
Watery, water-like.
Varage, a large number of something.
Yowsers, an exclamation of surprise.
Oopsies, said when an action prompts an unexpected and often disastrous result.
Doe, said when an action prompts an unexpected and often disastrous result.
Jeeze, abbreviation of Jesus, said when annoyed or surprised.
Kinda, similar to.
Sorta, similar to.
Infuckingcredible, a swear stuck inside an exclaimation, something that is really incredible.
Absofuckinglutely, a swear stuck inside an affirmative, something that really shines true or is really absolute.
Ohmygosh (or Ohmigod), exclamation of "oh, my gosh!"
Frnd, friend is a four-letter word (thanks to the music band Cake).
© 1999 Khopesh, L+d.
Khopesh (khopesh@mindless.com)
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