(Advanced) Dungeons and Dragons, AD&D, Dungeon Master, DM, PC, NPC, Birthright, Cerilia, Dark Sun, Athas, Al-Qadim, Ravenloft, Sithiticus, Strahd, "I, Strahd," Savage Coast, Planescape, Sigil, Forgotten Realms, Toril, Menzoberranzan, Drizzt Do'Urden, "The Dark Elf Trilogy," "The Icewind Dale Trilogy," "The Legacy," "Starless Nights," "Seige of Darkness," "Passage to Dawn," "Daughter of the Drow," "Elminster: the Making of a Mage," Oriental Adventures, Kara-Tur, The Horde, Spelljammer, Greyspace, Realmspace, Krynspace, Dragonlance, Dragonlance: Fifth Age, Mystara, Lankhmar, Greyhawk, Oerth, A Mighty Fortress, Dragon Magazine, Dungeon Magazine, Polyhedron Newzine, The RPGA Network, Gen Con, Gamaworld, Alternity, Dangerous Journeys, Star Frontiers, Top Secret/SI, Chainmail, Marvel Super Heroes, Dragon Dice, Spell Fire, Blood Wars, and TSR are registered trademarks of TSR, Inc, a subsidary of Wizards of the Coast. All Advanced Dungeons and Dragons character structure, structure, terms, and concepts are owned by TSR, Inc.
A list of TSR's trademarked titles/names can be found here, in the Wizards of the Coast's "Catalog Legal Text" section, or here, in the Great Net.Book Archive. More information can be found at TSR's official web site, or their FTP site.
BloodBowl, Blood Bowl, DeathZone, Death Zone, scaven, White Dwarf, Citadel Journal, and Games Workshop are registered trademarks of Games Workshop, Limited. All BloodBowl players, teams, terms, and concepts are owned by Games Workshop.
Magic: TG, Magic: The Gathering, Deckmaster, and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Five Rings Publishing Group, Inc. and TSR, Inc. are subsidiaries of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Strahd's Possession, Stone Prophet, Menzoberranzan, Shattered Lands, and SSI are registered trademarks of Strategic Simmulations, Inc.
Doom is a registered trademark of ID Software.
Nintendo is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America.
Sega is a registered trademark of Sega of America.
3DO is a registered trademark of Panasonic.
Diplomacy is a registered trademark of Avalon Hill.
Some of the images used in these pages are copies of images found elsewhere on the net. Mail me if one of my images was originally located on your page. If I determine that you are not an idiotic fool trying to take credit for something that is not yours, then I will give you credit on this page. In the event that you have hard evidence signifying that one of my images is a modification of yours (I've modified them all), then an arangement can be reached; again, mail me. The Fantasy Role Playing Club title picture (found here) was initially created by Adam Katz and was modified by Jason Hebbert and should be considered the property of Khopesh, L+d.
Some of the content found in these pages is adopted from other sites on the internet. I have attempted to give credit where it is deserved, however some people don't write author information into every page so I cannot give credit to these people. Mail me if due credit is not granted on a concept presented within Khopesh's Web Pages. If I determine that you are not an idiotic fool trying to take credit for something that is not yours, then I will give you credit on this page and/or the page presenting the material. In the event that you have hard evidence signifying that one of the concepts presented within Khopesh's Web Pages is a modification or copy of yours, then an arangement can be reached; again, mail me. Most of the additional BloodBowl rules are the creations of Jervis Johnson, one of the game's original designers. Credit is given wherever his rulings are printed.
All written material within Khopesh's Webpages are creations of Khopesh L+d. (unless otherwise noted) and should be respected by the copyright laws. The "World's Best Character Sheet" is a completely original creation of Adam Katz published on the internet by Khopesh L+d. and should be given credit whenever and wherever used (hey, it took MANY hours to create; give the guy some credit!).
Also, thanks to Tripod for this free web page.
© 1999 Khopesh, L+d.Khopesh (khopesh@mindless.com) | Corrections needed? Ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Submissions? mail me! I love receiving feedback! Please mention how you found me, your URL, and comments. |